11.08.2020 Philippians 4:10 - 20 The Use of Money: Save All You Can CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
10.25.2020 In Christ Colossians 3:18 - 4:1 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
10.18.2020 In Christ Colossians 3:12 - 17 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
10.11.2020 In Christ Colossians 3:5 - 11 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
10.04.2020 In Christ... Colossians 3:1 - 4 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
09.27.2020 Colossians 2:16 - 23 In Christ CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
09.20.2020 Colossians 2:13-15 In Christ... CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
08.30.2020 1 Samuel 17:12 - 25 Giants Before Us CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
08.23.2020 Black Sunday Storing Up Matthew 6:19 - 34 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814