Welcome to Childress Methodist Church! This is the live stream of today's service, March 10, 2024 Thank you for joining us for worship! Joshua 8:30 - 35 Altar'd: Sacrifice of…
Thank you for joining us for worship today! Please like, share, and comment to help us spread the Word! Prayer Requests [email protected] Give Online https://bit.ly/CMC-Offering CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
Joshua 24:14 - 15 Crossroads Thank you for joining us in church today! Please like, share, and comment to help us spread the Word! Online Connection Card https://childressmethodists.church/connect/ Prayer Requests…
Who's Side Are You On? Joshua 5:13 - 15 Thank you for joining us in church today! Please like, share, and comment to help us spread the Word! Fill out…
Independence Day Joshua 1:1 - 9 Conquer CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
08.09.2020 Voyage Into Faith: AI Joshua 7:1 - 5 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
08.02.2020 Voyage Into Faith: Jericho Joshua 6:15 - 21 CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814
Morning Worship 07.19.2020 Voyage Into Faith CCLI #2241491 Streaming License #20411814